1989? I was a high court reporter in Aotearoa New Zealand, covering murder trials and saving up money so I could emigrate halfway across the world to London (I did, arriving January 1990).

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Oh amazing! I moved to London September 89. Where did you live when you arrived?

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1989: I was coming up to my 8th birthday, just starting to discover pop music via Smash Hits magazine and Top of the Pops on telly for the first time, helped in no small part by Scott and Charlene from Neighbours becoming singers 🤩

That quote about wanting to outsource day to day decision making is so spot on. It explains every diet I’ve ever been on, my religious phases, every organisational technique I’ve tried to bolt myself on to, and so many more things.

And it explains why people join cults. Sorry, I got way too deep there…quick, back to lighthearted Kylie and Jason whimsy 😅

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So amazing to think that little you might have read something I wrote in Smash Hits!

And yes, it’s bang on, isn’t it. I definitely have always had issues with self trust. Working on it!

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That really is the perfect 80s hair! I remember going to Surrey to stay at my mum’s friends house with my mum and then getting the train into London and it all being thrilling, (even though there was a bomb threat) not least eating at Garfunkels — at some point I’ll dig out the photo from that trip where we’re borderline hysterical with excitement; I was 8 or 9 then though so just before you moved down. In 1989 I was 10 and also a keen Smash Hits fan (Kylie’s favourite sandwich blew my mind and only years later did I learn it was a wind up). I loved to go to my mum’s office in the holidays when her officemate was off and use all the stationery and read Smash Hits and eat crisps (really made the world of work seem much more fun that it turned out to be).

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So many bomb threats! And we were so blasé about them since they happened all the time.

We used to go to Garfunkels a lot too.

What was Kylie’s fave sandwich?

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Yes, the mood was very much just like, “Oh yeah, bomb threat, whatever.”

Her alleged fave sandwich was a Flake (chopped in half, I believe) on French bread! Her friend told or dared her to say it, the little scamp.

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In 1989 I was 19 and started working for a great little company in London, just off Oxford Circus. I'd already met my future husband and I think I was just enjoying life and feeling positive about the future. And spending my wages in all the shops - I still have a little jacket that I bought in Top Shop with one of my first wage packets!

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Rachel do you remember the bagel place on Argyll Street?! I think about it often 😂

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God, no! How did I not know about that, I love bagels! And I would often walk up through Argyll Street on the way to work!

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Best hot bagels I’ve ever had.

From 1991, I was working in Soho Square so we were close!

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Small world! I worked there until I had my first son in 97 :-)

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Love that photo - your hair is phenomenal. Ugh why couldn't we appreciate how young and cute we were when we were young and cute? (Our 85yo selves would say that about our current selves too wouldn't they?) I followed any and all 'your morning routine' schedules in Seventeen magazine - lol I never wore makeup or did my hair but I had 10m allotted for each per the sched!

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Yes! I thought I was so plain but I was so cute! And my skin! 😭 But yes, you’re absolutely right about our future selves. Although I think I’m a lot cuter now than I thought I was back then 😂

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Nice evolution! (Always cute!)

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In 1989 I was 4 years old and enjoyed bopping round the living room to the Care Bears theme tune (from a VHS on the big TV) or Jason (on record) and Kylie (on cassette). Obviously the genres my interests fell into was varied, even then. Ha!

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Kylie and Jason and Care Bears aren’t *that* far apart. Or they weren’t back then anyway 😂

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You may have a point... 🤔

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