The article that changed my life! (Spoiler: it's about chips.)
This is my idea of a very nice day out.
Hi! I’m Keris. I’m an author writing about writing and books and music and life, and the last song I listened to was Outside by George Michael. I’ve been listening to all my Spotify Top Songs playlists and I’m up to 2020, which is… interesting. I don’t think I’ve listened to Reasons I Drink by Alanis Morissette since.
While looking for a photo to go with this post, I found this, which I’m going to have to buy.
Sticky! Baked! Chicken! Thighs!
When I came to write this post, I saw that I’d already saved a draft which meant I had something important to tell you that I didn’t want to forget. Lucky I did, because I had forgotten and it was this recipe for, yes, Sticky Baked Chicken Thighs.
Sometimes when I cook something it tastes pretty much as I expected and that’s fine. But other times, I cook something, taste it, and I’m like I MADE THIS I AM A CULINARY GENIUS. This was one of those times and it elicited praise from both kids. Both!
Life-changing chips!
Since I’ve started with food, I might as well continue and share this information that blew my mind and changed my life.
We live steps away from a chippy that does enormous portions of chips. Even one small portion is more than enough for all three of us. A couple of weeks ago, we had many chips left over. I’d always had in my mind that reheated chippy chips taste like crap and so always threw them away. But on this fateful day, I decided to google and it led me to this life-changing article.
Seven things to do with your leftover chip-shop chips
First up, you can freeze them and then use them as oven chips. Which would have been good enough on its own. But no. The next day I made a hash for brunch with eggs and kimchi and broccoli and leftover chippy chips and it was so good! So so good!
I haven’t yet made any of the other recipes (and I do not have a waffle machine, so that’s out), but I’m gonna. Poutine! Even a chip butty. A following day hot chip butty. The very thought makes me sigh with happiness.
If you don’t have egg, then it’s just…
I’m still not done! Last time, I wrote about how the newly 16yo and I went to Eggslut in London. Back home, I decided to try making my own.
I put a slice of cheese and a few slices of chorizo (the thin ones, from a pack of deli meats) on a brioche bun with a squirt of sriracha mayo on the top bun. Soft scrambled a couple of eggs. Put the bun in the microwave for one minute. Prised it apart - the cheese had melted all over, but that was fine - and flopped in the scrambled egg. Ate with a teatowel tucked into the top of my jumper cos it was messy as hell. But delicious!
The next day I did it again. The day after that, we were out of eggs so I did the same but eggless, and that was good too. (The title is what the 16yo said when I told him about it.)
That’s enough food. Noodles news!
I love her so much. Even though she keeps waking me in the night. But one night she finally managed to make biscuits on my back that worked as a pretty decent back massage.
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Baby’s first TikTok. And by “baby” I mean me. A 53yo woman.
I’ve been lurking on TikTok for literal years, but I’d never made one or even reposted anything. I finally, yesterday, made a vid to promote The Harry Styles Effect because duh. Also because it’s out NEXT MONTH omg.
And today I posted a photo of Noodles because she continues to go viral on Substack Notes pretty much daily and I am so not above using my cat for promo.
So if you’re there, please follow me and say hello. I am trying to get rid of all the militaryuniform whitebeard twofirstnames that follow me, but TikTok keeps telling me to wait another 24 hours. One day, I’ll have yeeted them all. Even the Keanus.
Will give blood for TUC Sandwiches
Yesterday, the eldest and I went to Liverpool to give blood. I actually really love giving blood. Harry does too. We’re both very odd.
While we were there, I got a (fake) message on Instagram (at least I hope it was fake) saying my account was about to be suspended. Harry said, “I hope not. I don’t want to have to show you Reels in real life.” Every morning I wake up to at least five Reels he’s sent me. I told him that’s his love language. He agreed. “That and coming to give blood together every few months.” He’s not wrong.
But last time, they didn’t have any Orange Clubs after, only titchy packs of unbranded biscuits. Thankfully, this time the Clubs were back along with - imagine my excitement - a pack of Tuc Sandwiches. We had a lovely time. Can’t wait to go again.
What’s your weirdest idea of a very nice day out?
In case you don’t know what I’m talking about… Gary Barlow at the winery.
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…features an interview with Sarah Rushbrooke about her floristry business (also check out her glorious bookshelves) along with another financial cock-up from me.
Also am still very unsure about Tik Tok for security reasons so I don't use it at all though if you post your Tik Toks anywhere else, I will have a look at them.
I think you might just have changed my life with that article about chips.
Weird days out - well I reckon I have enough of them given how much time I spend at political conferences. I like going to get my hair done. I get to drink tea, sit down and read crappy magazines. What's not to love?