Hi! I’m Keris. I’m an author writing about writing and books and music and life, and the last song I listened to was 69 by Self Esteem, because she posted it on her Instagram Story so obviously I had to go and look it up. Not one I’m going to have on repeat, but she does make me laugh.
So this week both boys are off doing things without me, so I decided to have a sort of at home retreat. Because I am me, this means making lists of all the things I want to do/read/watch/eat, etc. Could I just take the week off? Relax? Do whatever I want? Lol no.
This made me think of something I used to love as a teen. If you’re my age or thereabouts - and you’ll probably also be a woman, I bet they weren’t doing this in men’s mags - do you remember occasional articles about what was probably me time or self care or at home spa weekends, although I don’t think they were called any of those things? Literally all I remember is that they would span a day or two, include actual timings, and always start with a glass of hot water with lemon (at 7:00am).
I was thinking they were most likely in Jackie, but I wonder now if they were in Prima or Essentials. Yes, I bought Prima and Essentials as a teen. Essentials had perforated life and housekeeping tips that I ripped out and kept in the binder that I assume was free with the first issue. I’ll just go and look…
I was right! And it’s from 1988. I was 17. What a small nerd.
Anyway, I used to love those articles, although I don’t think I ever managed to complete a spa weekend. Not sure I got much past the lemon water, if I’m honest. But thinking about them reminded me of the other things I used to love in eighties mags: Twenty things to do before you’re twenty pieces (I think it was 20 before 20; could have been 30 before 30? I don’t know). I have zero recollection of what they would include, so once again I searched and mags are still writing them! These are from Girls’ Life:
1. Read 100 incredible books....or 200, 500, 1000...
6. See your favorite band in concert, and dance your head off.
17. Learn to cook a yummy and healthy dinner all by yourself. OK, Pinterest can help.
I definitely remember the third one being on these lists. Or… wait… Maybe I’m thinking of
The other thing I loved from 80s mags was the holiday packing list with little tick boxes. I couldn’t remember which mags, but I thought maybe the small format photo romances? So I messaged my friend Luisa who is an expert on this kind of thing. Summer Specials she said. And I immediately remembered absolutely loving the summer special editions of my favourite mags. But which mags? Off I went to search again and found a summer special I definitely would have bought and may have to buy again. You know, for research.
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While searching, I found these covers. I don’t remember this magazine, but oh boy is an understatement.
These were the little photo mags. I remember being at Butlins and spending all of my pocket money on them:
I remember buying a copy of The Stage on that same holiday. Because that’s how Bucks Fizz were formed - via an ad in The Stage - and I was fascinated by the whole concept. A newspaper? For the entertainment industry?? Impossible thrilling for a teen saving sewing patterns in a binder even though she couldn’t sew (and didn’t particularly want to).
Do you remember any of the above mags? Ever complete an at home spa day (I bet home made face masks were included!)? Tell me about your latest rabbit hole…
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Oh boy, blue jeans, Jackie & the brownies handbook - I had them all. I moved on from oh boy to Love affair as it seemed more grown up ( influenced by my friends big sister!)
Really enjoyed this, I’d forgotten about most of those magazines!
This does take me back, Keris. I remember countdowns to going out in Jackie magazine when I was a teen, with precise timings for a bath, a face mask, applying make-up etc. Or sometimes for staying in, as a treat!